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While driving through the desert, a young woman abandons her car as she is drawn irresistibly towards a shimmering in the distance. Inspired by the words of Wendell Berry, "The Truth" merges the mystical and the mundane, posing questions to viewers about what is real.


Amor Ledesma, Anthony Quidachay, Carlo Darang, Divine Maharaj, Dom Stevens, Dustin Yu, Gabriel Braga, Jared Mallari, Joe Macken, Larry Don, Linh Trinh, Maria Avdalova, Maya Kell-Abrams, Michelle Müller, Thevinh Luong, Vivien Kaluza, Ysa Penarejo


Jonathan Seale, Chris Martin, Larkin Poynton, Steve Cachero, Wendell Berry, John Arndt, Julia Easterlin, Chris Parker, Chris Lumba, Ian Teraoka, Joaquin Barranco

"It is not the only or the easiest way to come to the truth. It is one way."

‘Dance,’ they told me, and I stood still, and while they stood quiet in line at the gate of the Kingdom, I danced.
‘Pray,’ they said, and I laughed, covering myself in the earth’s brightnesses, and then stole off gray into the midst of a revel, and prayed like an orphan.